The holidays are coming up, and for many families, Thanksgiving or Christmas are the one or two times a year when the whole family is under one roof. I have some tips in this post to help you get the most out of your DIY holiday family photo.
As a photographer and as a mother, I totally understand feeling attached to each photo you take. But, as is often the case, less is more. I have some tips here to help you through the process of selecting images for printing.
Snow is notoriously difficult to photograph. Often a picture on your phone or the back of your camera doesn’t look nearly as good as what you see in front of you. But I have some tips for you to help improve your snow photography!
Something about having your picture taken makes you suddenly more aware than usual of your body and how you’re standing, and it makes you forget what you usually do with your hands. If this is you, you’re not alone. Posing is hard, especially when you have to pose yourself. You want to look natural, and you don’t want to look back on the picture later and think, “What was I doing here? Why am I turned like that? Why is my elbow pointing that way?” For those times when you don’t have a professional photographer handy, I have some tips to help you pose yourself.
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